Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eze Day Trip

We went to the antique markets which replace the flower makets but only on a Monday. Lyndie bought some shoes, then we took the bus to Eze, a hamlet perched on a hilltop. It is described as a fortified feudal centre high in the hills overlooking the Provencal coast built during the early Middle Ages to stave off raids from corsairs (whatever they are!!). It is a bit of a tourist'' must see'' with lots of artists galleries and an ancient feel . We took heaps of photos again of lovely stone alleys winding up and down around the cliffsides...not too many steps though(photo). You would think our legs would be feeling fitter but quite the opposite!! they feel like jelly whenever we start to climb up any steps.
We bought some lovely soap and i nearly bought a tea box like the one at our first b and b at lake como but didnt .Don't know if i will regret that decision ...probably. We then took a different bus down to the sea and sat in a park(photo) at Beauleiu-sur-mer to eat banana on baggette for lunch (at 3pm)and then we walked to the beach area there but didn't go for a swim (photo).
We then caught the bus which ended up being an airport express bus. The driver let us off at our stop but only after pretending that he wasn't going to and getting us to resign ourselves to the fact that we were going the whole way to the airport and back. Also yesterday at the market a man wouldn't let Julie through a shortcut through his shop, and then relented saying he was only joking - I think that's their sense of humour.

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